Information on adult and youth training
Within Bujinkan we work with locks, punches, kicks, falls and throws. All of these focus on the naturalness of the movements, that they should be as light and efficient as possible. Once you have trained for a while, equipment such as swords and sticks of different lengths come into the training. There are no competitions within Bujinkan and the grading system is based on each individual’s personal development and skill. One strives to constantly improve yourself and not to compare yourself to everyone else. Everyone has a different capability to assimilate and learn new things, but what is most important is that you develop at your own pace. So, it does not matter whether you are male or female, large or small, it’s your own feeling and understanding of martial arts that determine your skill.
Everyone who have turned 14 years old is welcome to the adult and youth training.
As a paying member you are insured on your way to, during and from training by the Swedish Budo and Martial Arts Federation.